
Legally Required Risk Disclaimer and Liability Exclusion

The content provided on the website of MMplatinum e.K. (Michael Müller), such as trading signals, portfolio overviews, stock lists, and risk filters, is based on careful research, which is derived from third-party sources. These sources are considered trustworthy and reliable by MMplatinum e.K. (Michael Müller).

The information contained on this website is provided for informational purposes only and should not be understood as a purchase recommendation or investment advice. The information regarding investment strategies cannot replace individual advice that considers the personal circumstances of the investor. Furthermore, not all specific aspects associated with investing in securities or their derivatives can be taken into account.

The user is explicitly advised that trading in publicly listed securities is subject to substantial price fluctuations and the associated risks, which may even lead to a total loss.

For every investment decision made by the user based on information from this website or its services, the user always acts independently and at their own risk. Past returns are not a guarantee for the future.

Liability Exclusion

Liability for damages resulting from the use of information provided on this website for the user’s own investment decisions is excluded.

The liability exclusion does not apply in cases of:

  • Intentional misconduct or gross negligence
  • Personal injury
  • Breach of essential contractual obligations, on which the user could particularly rely

The liability exclusion also does not apply to violations of contractual core obligations, whose fulfillment was reasonably expected.

MMplatinum e.K. (Michael Müller) assumes no liability for damages incurred by the user due to the use of third-party websites.

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